Blindspot Services

We believe in the importance of being open to learning, challenging conventional wisdom, and staying adaptable in the face of change and uncertainty. They remind us that blindspots in business can lead to missed opportunities and failures, but they also present opportunities for growth and innovation when recognised and addressed.

  • As we move into the next technological wave, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising our world, much like the internet and social media did before it. Understanding how to govern AI is crucial for harnessing its efficiencies while preserving the human experience.

    Our Executive Experts lead the way in helping organisations integrate and govern AI technologies within their operations and boardrooms. We ensure that your company can leverage the power of AI responsibly and effectively, setting the standard for innovation and ethical use.

  • Governance can significantly boost an organisation’s performance - or drown it in overlapping accountabilities, over reporting, and an ever-changing focus. Like many areas in business, an overly complicated governance system is both unnecessary and hides performance problems.

    Our interest and expertise is in governance systems that are appropriate for your organisation’s purpose and scale, where everyone understands the value they’re adding, and that deliver results.

    Our governance experts will help you:

    • set up governance that works – that adds value to your business

    • ensure your governance systems are appropriate

    • your board, management and other decisions makers agree on everyone’s roles and accountabilities

    • provide ongoing coaching for board members and management set up the systems you need so everyone can fulfil their role.

  • Most businesses and organisations will face a crisis at one time or another. When this happens, you need partners who will work alongside you to provide solid advice, put plans into action, and bring an outside perspective on events.

    Our partners have extensive experience in crisis management, having led organisation’s responses to operational, reputational and natural hazard crises. We will help you navigate the issues, recover your position - and ideally come out stronger.

    Our team will support you to manage the situation effectively, by providing:

    • integrated management of the crisis situation

    • communications and engagement strategy and implementation

    • social media and media advice and implementation

    • data and analytics services to monitor the impact of the crisis and the effectiveness of your response

    • risk identification and mitigation

  • It’s a well-worn adage that ‘culture eats strategy for breakfast’. Yet most consultancies focus on the c-suite and discount what employees experience. We go beyond this to understand the reality of your organisation’s culture and the people, teams and groups that make it up. We’ll test assumptions and solutions so we understand how they’ll be received. Leaders know that change is a constant. Yet time and time again change efforts don’t deliver the anticipated results or fail. All too often that’s because changes are run in silos, or don’t have the full range of skills on board.

    Our experience encompasses all the disciplines needed to make successful change. We work as a collective to provide a single approach with mutual reinforcement and testing between specialities.

    Change is achievable with the right advice and resources on board. Our Executive Experts will partner with you to help you light up your change path.

    You can’t change your organisation simply by changing job descriptions and reporting lines – it’s about how your people think, feel and act together. Our practitioners understand that culture change takes a range of approaches, and needs to be reinforced by all aspects of your business.

  • We all know that having a solid strategy is essential for business success. Strategy doesn’t have to be complex and lengthy - in our experience, the longer the strategy, the less likely it is to be of use or to be put into action.

    We specialise in developing strategies that are coherent and complete – and are also concise, meaningful, and can implementable. Our team will work with you to define, or redefine, your strategy, and then help align your organisation and business around it. We’ll link strategy and implementation to ensure it is put into practice and delivers real results.

  • Most engagement efforts fall short, remaining superficial at best. Authentic engagement involves understanding lived experiences and aligning them with both qualitative and quantitative data. It's about testing assumptions rather than making them, and ensuring people feel heard and respected. This approach is not a quick fix or an afterthought; it requires careful and thoughtful implementation. Our Executive Experts will support you to design and operationalise authentic engagements to get the critical information you need.

Complimentary Discovery Session

Discover how our Executive Experts can bring real value to your organisation with tailored strategic insights and expert solutions. Book your 30-minute discovery session now and take the first step towards illuminating the pathways to success for your organisation.

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